Tuko Sawa is a Swahili expression that means "we are equal, we are okay, or we are fine." Tuko Sawa is a very effective transcultural tool for rebalancing perception about who we are and what our duty is as members of one human family, living on one planet that is our home.
Tuko Sawa interrogates harmful fragmentations of our common human story and places the duty of care for the wellbeing of People
and Planet in everyone's hands.
Indeed, a HARMONIOUS World is possible if we relate better
as Equal Caring Partners!
The first Tuko Sawa "Society of Harmony Practitioners"(SoHP) was established in Tanzania to spread this transcultural message of unity in diversity, because we believe that "Equality Consciousness" is an ethical and moral prerequisite for a Fairer Future.
To rebalance perception and encourage a harmonious worldview, the Society Founders created eight participatory lessons that explore the concept of Harmony and the essential principles that maintain order and balance in Nature and Human Societies.
The lessons are inspired by a book written by King Charles III: "Harmony: A New Way of Looking at Our World." (2010)
Understanding the principles of Oneness-Diversity-Interdependence-Geometry-Adaptation-Health and The Cycles, heightens ecological awareness and leaves no doubt that every life on Earth is precious.
The lessons have inspired members of the Tuko Sawa Society to spread harmony consciousness to their families, places of work and their surrounding communities.
To officialy kickstart the harmony movement in Tanzania, on the 7th September 2024, members of the Tuko Sawa Society of Harmony Practitioners travelled from all over the country and met in the Capital to celebrate their initiative, which started through Social Media networks, namely Facebook and WhatsApp early 2020.
The vision of this unique society is to restore
a "healthy perception" about all beings and heal the fragmentations in the human story.
The Tuko Sawa Society is powered by the enthusiasm of the members who volunteer time, money, and talent to achieve their common goals of seeing better relationships between people and our planet. The Society has members from all walks of life, ages, faiths and tribes.
On the 25/10/2024, Itumbili Secondary School in Magu District; Mwanza Region on the shores of lake Victoria celebrated their first Tuko Sawa Club Alumni by establishing a Harmony Centre of Excellence (CoE) and invited members of the community to work together for Wellbeing and cohesion.
The event was covered in the Daily Newspaper of Tanzania, which praised the involvement of local Elders as valuable resource in the restoration of good moral values that honour timeless wisdom, traditions and local foods.
All Harmony Practitioners have vowed to do what we can, using what we have to help our youth thrive with
self-esteem, and overall wellbeing.
We teach them the harmonious worldview of "equality despite differences" and encourage them to turn challenges into opportunities. Indeed we remind all community members that “the grass is greener where you water it!”
Rather than stigmatising their reality, by accepting the glamourised notion of "success" or development, that is peddled in Social Media, they should focus on #JoyfulCooperation and do what is best for them.
Tuko Sawa Society is Registered in Tanzania Under Societies Act (CAP_337 R.E.2002) Registration Number: S.A 23554